Is this your challenge ?

Anyone going to work on a nuclear site or in a specific nuclear facility has to undergo a training. It can be either a brief security session to understand the rules on site and the basic security/safety considerations to method statements practice, to know the key aspects when operating a process within a facility.

It takes time and ressources. From security staff all the way to the person organising work on plant, they have to be mobilised, make time to be available to provide induction course in lieu of focussing on other tasks with more added values.

In addition, when it comes to training for specific technical activities, some parts of the site and/or equipment become unavailable as they are used for a specific training programme.

Today, we see a lot of VR/AR solutions dedicated to scenario planning, digital twin, communication. However, the vast majority are quite complex to exploit by industrials. Quite often, they require specialists to process the data but also expensive equipment to perform the facility planing. In other words, most of these solutions are unforatunaltely not easy to integrate to improve day-to-day process.

With a solution easy to use, not requiring any VR/AR expertise, any security safety officer could set up a whole library of  security training. It would save him/her a tremendous amount of time and focus on what generates high added value.

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