Is this your challenge ?

All across the world, industries are looking for solutions to improve their employee’s well-being and reduce wok related injuries. Overexertion for instance causes about 35% of all work-related injuries, by far the largest contributor to workers compensation cost. It is true that the ill-effects of fatigue, dehydration, heat stress as well as slips, trips and fall or even air quality can be quite marked. With workers aging (and being less healthy) globally, the aggregated risk will likely be even worst in the coming years.

Here, looking around for solutions to empower employee’s safety and performance means wearables. That said, it is clearly not enough to wear the latest smart watch or monitoring belt to decrease the risk of injury. You also need for your risk predictive analytics to be fit for purpose and accuracy.

The more accurate your prediction, the more injuries you can prevent, the better your team will perform. What if I was to tell you that 100% of workforce injury could be potentially prevented? Would you believe me?

Now, if I tell you inTechBrew has found out about an easily deployable solution that has been validated as being 95% accurate compared to equivalent clinical trials, would that make you read on?

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